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+8615867408815Ningbo Chiyue Magnet Factory is a domestic recognized leader in the field of Microwave ferrite/gyromagnetic ferrite in China .Based on many years' scientific and practical experience,we produce and sell in the area of magnetism and its applications.
Narrow LineWidth Garnet Microwave Ferrite Material -YIG Series :
YGA Moderate continuous power material series:
Spinal nickel gyramagnetic microwave ferrite material series:
Spinal nickel gyramagnetic microwave ferrite power material series:
Spinal lithium microwave ferrite material series:
Spinal lithium microwave ferrite power material series:
Microwave Ferrites, Microwave Ferrite and Ceramic, Garnet & Ferrite (Microwave), Narrow Linewidth Ferrite Material, Microwave Ferrite Based Components, Nickel Spinels Microwave Ferrite, Lithium Spinels Microwave Ferrite
Microwave ferrite magnets can generate constant magnetic field to control electric current so that microwave signal is amplified and information can be smoothly transmitted. Microwave magnets are widely used in magnetrons, cathode-ray tubes, isolators, circulator, etc. These electronic components are commonly applied in radars, satellite communications, remote control systems, electronic tracking, electronic countermeasures, etc.