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In recent years due to success in the field of microwave electronics a lot of devices of dfferent applications were produced. The prospects for future development of
microwave systems with predetermined characteristics are mainly assigned by ferrite choise. However the choise of a material for a concrete application in microwave
technique is a complicated task, as there are different requirements to different parts of microwave band. Among main characteristics of ferrites suitable for high
frequencies are:
1.At the expense of high specic etrial rsistvity (p >106 Om:sm) ferrites are characterised by low deletric lsses at high frequencies tg-10-2+104).
2.Dielectric permittivity(about 10-15)
3.Thermal stability in a wide temperature range
4.The high activity is being determined by the value of minimal bias which is essential for required nominal parameters providing.
5.Saturation magnetization, M s; 4Ms (400-5000 G)
6.The width of resonance curve 20H is one of the main parameters characterising properties of frrites applied in high-frequency band. The yttrium-iron monocrystals exhibit the minimal value 2H =0.3-0.5 Oe. The width of resonanse curve of plytalline frrites varies from 3...40 to 800-1000 Oe.
Microwave ferrites and ceramics are being produced on the base of pressed powder sintered at high temperatures. After thermal sintering the items can be smoothed and/or polished. Company produces items with different forms. Dimensional allowance at mechanical treatment is 0,02 mm. In spite of standard variants of performance it is possible to produce ferrites in accoradance with sizes and customers drawings.
Microwave ferrite shapes:
Disk | Diameter: 1-55 mm |
Plate | Max size: 50.8 x 50.8mm Thickness: 0.5-3 mm |
Triangle | Max diameter: 12mm |
Rod | Max length: 90 mm |
Composition | Ferrites and dielectric materials |
Microwave Ferrite Materials:If you require any further information, feel free to contact me:
E-mail: magnet886@gmail.com